Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hard work!

It really is a lot of hard work getting the garden ready! But it was fun, and with Shambhaji and Shivnath's help, we managed to prepare 4 beds, mix in vermi-compost and farm yard manure (FYM), make furrows, select and sow seeds and finally water the beds!! All in three and a half hours on a Saturday morning. Some pictures below to tell the tale.

Mixing of FYM and breaking down the clumps of soil

Shambhaji and Shivnath take the lead

Four quadrants, watered and ready!

As usual, I'll use my geeky naming system - we have 4 quadrants - and it's easy to remember which is 1 - 4 (clock-wise, starting top-left, they are 1 to 4).
  • Quad1 has mooli (raddish) - 3 rows of the local variety and the remaining hybrid
  • Quad2 has a few rows of baingan (brinjal), and a few of shimla mirchi, (capsicum or peppers)
  • Quad3 has all the leafy stuff - palak (spinach), tambadi bhaji (English name??) , lettuce and some parsley (I'm not sure the seeds were healthy, so we planted just one row - not too confident we'll have any parsley growing)
  • Quad4 has gawar/chitki-mitki (cluster beans I think) - 4 rows of the local variety, and the remaining hybrid

1 comment:

greenessentials said...

It was fun watching all those pics, and sure looked like a lot of hard work.
Its strange but the locals are always ahead of the frangs.